Monday, August 22, 2005

Make 6-Figures as a Script Consultant

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick note to check out the newly launched Scriptwriter Central at

You'll find all kinds of valuable info and free stuff for screenwriters, script consultants, and those who want to make 6-figures as a script consultant -- even if you're not a screenwriter!

Be sure to sign up for the free courses, especially the free teleseminar on how to make 6-figures as a script consultant.

Meanwhile, take some time to continue honing your screenwriting of script analysis ability by watching a movie and writing out the scenes beat by beat -- creating a beat sheet of the movie. Don't get too detailed. Just write a scene heading and a brief description of what happens.

By doing this, you will be amazed at how much you learn about structure, about what works and what doesn't...and you will see the mystery of screenwriting and film storytelling begin to fall away and reveal its secrets.

I look forward to talking with you again...and talking/meeting you in person through one of the many workshops and seminars going on at

Have an inspired day!
